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Featured in the Farmers Weekly (March 2024)

Recently we were delighted to have James Andrew, a reporter for Farmers Weekly, ask if he could come up to see our Scorgie Sprayers and the customised setup we have at James Scougall Agricultural Spraying Specialists. Last week he came into the yard to find out all about the pro’s and cons of the setup we have and how it works for us. He has put together a great article explaining what we have at the moment which can be found in the early March 2024 edition of Farmers Weekly.

“Simple and tough Scorgie sprayers clock 12,000 ha in Perthshire”

New Holland T6.180 with 28m Scorgie booms and 1,500 litre tanks fitted front and rear.

Seasonal Spray Operators

We are keen to hear from anyone with their PA1/PA2 spraying tickets who are available to work in our busy May/June spraying season.

We are a family-run, independent, contract spraying business, based near Abernyte with customers throughout Perthshire and Angus. We are looking for sprayer operator to help us out during out busy May/June spraying season. We operate New Holland tractors with Scorgie mounted sprayers.

If you can fit this in around your workload and are interested, please call Mungo Howat on 07940 759210 or email to discuss.

What a difference 10 years makes (2011-2021)

Ten years ago all our spraying machines were 24 metres scorgie booms and used saddle tanks mounted on New Holland tractors.

Now at the start of 2021, we still use New Holland tractors but just one remains on saddle tanks – it still has its place in some situations.

The rest of the fleet have 28 metre Scorgie booms with larger capacity front and back tanks, GPS, variable geometry and section boom control.

Liquid Fertiliser

New service available.  We are now set up to work with the farmer to apply liquid fertiliser up to 200-250 lt/ha.

A good time to apply liquid fertilizer is in the spring or autumn when the soil is both cold and damp when the soil will absorb the nutrients but also reduces the risk of run-off.   The fertiliser can be applied when the crop is wet or in the rain, which makes a nice change from having to wait for dry weather conditions to apply most pesticides.


As an essential service to agriculture and food production our highest priority is to provide our continued service for all our customers. We’re taking every possible step to make sure that we’re available and operating without interruption, though we will be following Government guidelines on tackling coronavirus (COVID-19).  

Contact Arrangements

As per Government guidelines, we will avoid meeting anyone in person.  Where this is not possible, social distancing measures will be strictly observed.

We will use phone, text or email whenever possible to contact you.  Please ensure we have your up-to-date contact details, including your email address. 

Let us know if you would prefer to receive your invoices/statements by email, if you don’t already do so.

Email any contact preferences to –

Banking Arrangements

Due to the banks making changes to their existing services and opening hours, we would very much prefer payment by online banking where possible. 

Of course, if this is not possible we will still accept cheques made out to James Scougall Agri Spraying Specialists.

Many thanks for your understanding.